Intent: To help establish conditions for the End State, in concert with the Freedom Movement at Large (FML), by developing and implementing a governance model, through research and the establishment of a network of Parallel Societies and Intentional Communities (PSICs) that operates under an effective self-governance framework.
Courses of Action:
• undertake research into Governance Concepts
◦ decision-making / decentralized aggregation (Big Local) / jurisdictions / technology, etc.
▪ Jordan Peterson’s ARC, Russell Brand, etc
◦ request submission of Governance Concepts / Vision Statement
▪ analyze for commonalities using AI
• establish relationships with FML Groups and Members, especially PSICs, as appropriate
◦ develop a database of PSICs
◦ conduct survey
◦ get Buy-in
• establish a forum (The Kyla Forum) of FML Delegates
◦ encourage FML Orgs, especially PSICs, to name delegates to the Kyla Forum
◦ encourage FML Orgs, especially PSICs, to form networks (by State, by Country, etc.)
◦ test Core Governance concepts in real world through the Kyla Forum(s)
• prepare the documentation and resources necessary to ensure broad adoption (Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.)
• help facilitate the transition
• provide suitable training and resources where required and feasible
• establish and monitor metrics
Current State:
Next Steps:
• get Buy-in from SAC for Governance Action Plan
• get Buy-in from Freedom Rising Leaders for Governance Action Plan (by 2023-09-30)
◦ develop Pitch
◦ request opportunity to speak
• determine structure (sub-committee or committee-of-the-whole)
Courses of Action:
• undertake research into Governance Concepts
◦ decision-making / decentralized aggregation (Big Local) / jurisdictions / technology, etc.
▪ Jordan Peterson’s ARC, Russell Brand, etc
◦ request submission of Governance Concepts / Vision Statement
▪ analyze for commonalities using AI
• establish relationships with FML Groups and Members, especially PSICs, as appropriate
◦ develop a database of PSICs
◦ conduct survey
◦ get Buy-in
• establish a forum (The Kyla Forum) of FML Delegates
◦ encourage FML Orgs, especially PSICs, to name delegates to the Kyla Forum
◦ encourage FML Orgs, especially PSICs, to form networks (by State, by Country, etc.)
◦ test Core Governance concepts in real world through the Kyla Forum(s)
• prepare the documentation and resources necessary to ensure broad adoption (Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.)
• help facilitate the transition
• provide suitable training and resources where required and feasible
• establish and monitor metrics
Current State:
Next Steps:
• get Buy-in from SAC for Governance Action Plan
• get Buy-in from Freedom Rising Leaders for Governance Action Plan (by 2023-09-30)
◦ develop Pitch
◦ request opportunity to speak
• determine structure (sub-committee or committee-of-the-whole)