UNITY Plan / 1 Pager
(see also UNITY Plan / Overview Statement)
SitRep (Situation Report):
End State:
Next Steps:
SitRep (Situation Report):
- Multitude of Issues – difficult to focus attention – but all connected to the Globalists
- Battleground: Hearts & Minds / Can See. Will See. Won’t See. > Globalist Flunkies / Media
- Combatants: Globalists (focused/centralization) vs Us/FML (unfocused/decentralization)
- Need for UNITY / their biggest fear / we are the many, they are the few
- Globalist Agenda - Crash > BBB / sped up / because we’re waking up
- Rescue Humanity from the Globalists
- by Stopping the Globalist Agenda and Replacing It With Our Own
- aggregates all issues (connects the dots), provides a clear target and an attractive alternative
- aggregates all issues (connects the dots), provides a clear target and an attractive alternative
- UNITY of Purpose / UNITY of Method
- Common Objective > Collective Impact / Project Dynamo (Dunkirk)
- Common Method / APEX Protocol (Adaptive Planning and EXecution)
- Lines of Effort:
- Messaging (Change the Narrative and win over Public Opinion)
- Activism (Dismantle the Globalist Infrastructure)
- Governance (Change the Social Order)
- Operations (Improve our Capabilities)
- Strategy (Maintain the Big Picture and help translate it into Action)
End State:
- a corruption-free, decentralized, virtue-based, family and community-oriented Social Order
- that will ensure the Individual is truly
- autonomous, prosperous (as in 'pursuit of happiness') and free.
Next Steps:
- continue Strategic discussions (Strategic Action Council - SAC)
- continue to develop planning capability
- get Buy-In from the Freedom Movement at Large (FML)
- pursue discussion with World Freedom Alliance